Soeur Henriette Raymond

henrietteHenriette Raymond was born on February 17, 1931 in Sainte-Rose-du-Dégelé (Dégelis) in the County of Témiscouata, Province of Quebec. At the age of thirteen, she enrolled at the Académie de l'Hôtel-Dieu in Saint-Basile, run by the Religious Hospitallers of Saint-Joseph. An artist at heart, she steadfastly promoted and supported culture in the northwest region of New Brunswick over several decades.

After graduating from the Fredericton Teachers College in 1950, she requested her accession to the Congregation of the Hospitallers of Saint-Joseph, and, in 1956, she took her perpetual vows. During the same year, she received her Teacher's License (First Class) followed by a Degree in Gregorian Studies (1963) and a Bachelor of Arts (1972).

In 1953, Sister Henriette began teaching the fifth grade, girls' class at the Académie de l'Hôtel-Dieu. During this period, she also began to teach folklore. In 1956, she became the director of the church choir for the nuns and female students of the college. She also started assisting Father Camille Albert with the Chœur du Madawaska, a mixed choir composed of male students from Saint-Louis and female students from Maillet.

With the construction of the new building that housed the Collège Maillet in 1963, the performing arts expanded. Sister Henriette became involved in theatre and collaborated with mister Gilles-Claude Thériault, professor of theatre and stage director (1962-1974). The plays presented were a success! Notably, many professional troups also performed at the Collège Maillet, among which were le Tétreau de Paris (L'Annonce faite à Marie by Paul Claudel) and la troupe de Jean Duceppe (La Mort d'un commis voyageur by Arthur Miller). High-calibre shows were presented. Les Compagnons de la chanson, Bécaud, Adamo, Mouskouri, Léveillée, Edith Butler, Calixte Duguay, all performed on the Collège Maillet stage.

In 1965, in recognition of her efforts, the superiors of the religious community appointed her Director of Artistic and Cultural Activities at the Collège Maillet. Every year, the dancers presented a show on the college stage, and 1969 became a turning point for the group when it became officially registered under the name Troupe folklorique du Madawaska and was recognized by the Secretary of State of Canada. From that point on, they became increasingly successful. In 1975, the group represented Canada at the XIIIe Festival des Pyrénées in Jaca, Spain and in the southwest of France. The following year, it figured among the representatives of Eastern Canada at the OCOG, for the XXth Olympic Games in Montreal. In 1978, the troupe performs at the XIth Commonwealth Games in Edmonton, Alberta.

Sister Raymond's contribution to culture has received public recognition. In 1977, she received the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal. In 1993, she was the recipient of the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada. The Foire Brayonne, during its 10th anniversary, paid tribute to her as one of their pioneers. Collectively, she is acknowledged for her exceptional contribution to the promotion and presentation of arts and culture in the region.

Sister Henriette Raymond died on August 2, 2013 in Bathurst, NB at the age of 82 from Alzheimer's disease. Her funeral was held in the chapel of the Hôtel-Dieu in Saint-Basile and she was laid to rest in the community cemetery.

Louis-Joseph Lachance

Joseph lachance

Louis-Joseph Lachance was born in Quebec on April 21, 1918. In 1944, he married Marguerite Gignac of Quebec. The couple took up residence in Edmundston and had four children: Louis-Antoine, Marguerite, Pierre et Jean-Yves. Louis-Joseph Lachance had a Bachelor of Arts Degree, a Bachelor in Philosophy, a Bachelor in Pedagogy, a Licentiate in Music and a Certificate in Gregorian chant. He was elected “Fellow” for life of the InstitutInternational des Arts et des Lettres (F.I.A.L.). He received his musical education from Joseph Turgeon, Alfred Laliberté, Pierre Monteux and Guy Mayer.

Having arrived in Edmundston in April 1944 as organist of the Immaculate Conception Cathedral`s Casavant organ, Louis-Joseph, as several took pleasure in calling him, became choirmaster and director of the St. Cecile Choir. From the beginning, he founded a Petite Maitrise. He was co-founder and the first lay professor at the Collège Saint-Louis founded by the Eudists in 1946, in the military barracks. He taught French, Latin, History, Philosophy and Music. He worked as professor until the time of his death.

He gave private piano, organ and singing lessons. He tutored a few great musicians of importance such as Mr. Martin Waltz, who was director of the Music Department of Université de Moncton during a few years and is now director of the Chœur Neil Michaud of Moncton.

Louis-Joseph produced three operattas in the beginning of the 1950’s, composed a dozen liturgical masses (Latin and French), several motets and other pieces. During the 1950’s and 1960’s, he directed the Community Concerts (sponsored by Columbia Records). He was the instigator of the Edmundston music festivals at the beginning of the 1960’s and director of the Edmundston Symphony from 1964 to 1966. His motto, Mens Sana InCorpore Sano (ASound Mind in a Sound Body), is engraved on a trophy at Université de Moncton, campus d’Edmundston (Collège Saint-Louis) and awarded to the student who has succeeded in combining both his intellectual and physical education. Louis-Joseph encouraged a complete education through arts, culture and sports.

On a social and community level, he was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Club Richelieu, the Caissepopulaire of the Immaculate Conception parish and the Insurance Company “Les Artisans”. He held many voluntary functions within these organizations. He was judge in musical contests, collaborator for Le Madawaska newspaper, CJEM radio station as well as for a historical society. He was also an Edmundston School District trustee from 1967 to 1970.

A man of culture and accomplished musician, Louis-Joseph Lachance succeeded in making classical and liturgical music accessible to the local population. In less than 25 years, he has left a great musical heritage to the Madawaska County. He passed away in Edmundston at 52 years of age while he was still active in various positions. He was buried at the Edmundston Cemetery for one year. Since 1972, his remains rest at the St. Charles Cemetery in Quebec.

Monseigneur Lionel Daigle

lioneldaigleLionel Daigle was born in Saint-Hilaire, NB, on January 1st, 1908, into a large family of talented musicians. After attending the village school, he completed his classical training in Bathurst in 1930. He was ordained a priest in 1934. Along with his religious devotion and his involvement in community and social causes, he was a builder and educator who aspired to have classical music appreciated for its importance and value.

Everywhere he went, his passion to share his love for music followed. Grande-Anse was his first parish and he formed a musical group there. From 1935 to 1945, he served as curate in Saint-Basile where he founded two orchestras.  He became curate of the Baker Lake parish in 1945 and in 1951 was transferred to the Clair congregation where he oversaw the construction of the existing church. In 1966, he founded Les Jeunes Violonistes de Clair. Mgr Daigle retired in 1980 at the Hôtel-Dieu in Saint-Basile. Surrounded by devoted collaborators, notably Sister Alda Boulay and Mrs Isabelle Lajoie, he furthered his cause. After starting the beginner’s violin course for the kindergarten children, he founded the Petits Violons de Saint-Basile which received continued support from the Religieuses Hospitalières de Saint-Joseph and the Saint-Basile Cultural Society. A first music camp was offered in 1982. With qualified instructors, Mgr Daigle taught music and string instrument classes, including the violin, cello and contrabass.

Gilles Guerrette

gillesguerretteAccomplished musician, composer, arranger, musical director, Mister Gilles Guerrette’s musical proficiency is truly exceptional. This pianist, from a well-known musical family, made his mark very early on Edmundston’s music scene.

Gilles Guerrette is truly what we can consider an icon of Edmundston’s musical history. While he’s well-known for his participation in different musical groups such as the             « Quintones » in the Fifties or Replica Jazz today, his great contribution lies in the musical knowledge he has bestowed on an entire region. This is perhaps his biggest accomplishment. We owe to Gilles Guerrette the creation of the celebrated Edmundston Jazz and Blues Festival. The arrival of a successful new festival on Edmundston’s cultural scene is a feat in itself. But more importantly, it’s through Mister Guerrette’s vision that an entire population has become, over the years true Jazz and Blues connoisseurs. What a heritage that is in a community such as ours.

While a true jazz aficionado, Gilles Guerrette has never been biased in regards to music. With his open mind, he has embraced traditional music with professionalism and passion. As musical director and accompanist with the « Danseurs du Madawaska » for many years, he always knew how to unite on stage the very best musicians. While he has always believed in the importance of music for his community’s quality of life, he saw in the « Danseurs du Madawaska » a perfect tool to promote music and our area’s history, which explains his long-term involvement with this traditional dance troupe, both as musician and chairman.

Jean-Paul Fortin

jeanpaulfortinJean-Paul Fortin is being elevated to the Edmundston Arts Hall of Fame as a builder.

He dedicated his professional and personal life to promoting music in Madawaska County. Not only did the people of this area appreciate his tremendous talent, but they also greatly benefited from his unending generosity.

Jean-Paul Fortin’s contribution to the Richelieu Music School is unsurpassed, which undoubtedly earns him the well-earned title of « Builder » in the field of music in this area. How many young (and not so young) people were given an initiation to music because of Jean-Paul Fortin’s dedication. The quality of the shows presented by the Richelieu Music School was testimony to Jean-Paul Fortin’s professionalism and tenacity. He was responsible for the Senior Harmony, the Beginners’ Orchestra and the Jazz Ensemble. He served as a model for a number of young musicians in the area. As a teacher, Jean-Paul Fortin spent a lot of time with kids. Not only did he introduce them to music, but he also help bring up their self-esteem. Generous to a fault with both his time and his talent, he got kids interested in music and helped them gain an appreciation of this artistic field, not only in school but mainly through extracurricular activities.

Huguette Cyr

huguette cyrIt is as a builder that Huguette Cyr is inducted to the Edmundston Arts Hall of Fame.

True pioneer in the field of musical education, she has been working for over 50 years to promote music in her community, for both school-age children and through choir singing, as accompanist or as director. Strongly committed to her beliefs, she is determined to promote music, working quietly behind the scenes. She is often described as being low-profile, but she can easily bring others to exceed their own expectations.

Huguette Cyr began being actively involved in the music field in 1951 as accompanist at the reed organ for the choir of her native village of Saint-Hilaire. She was a member of the Collège Maillet choir, between 1955 and 1961, before accepting the direction of Edmundston’s Our Lady of the Sacred Heart parish choir in 1967. She remained at the choir’s direction for 23 years. Since 1994, she has been the director of the Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows parish choir. She is also the director of the Balladins du dimanche since 1996.

Mrs. Cyr has always tried to blend her passion for music with different causes near to her heart. One such example is the « Noël de Partage », a yearly fundraising event reuniting on stage several area choirs. Proceeds from the show are offered to different local charitable organizations. This event was spearheaded by Mrs. Cyr from 1998 to 2008.

Claude Roussel

clauderousselClaude Roussel fut intronisé au Temple de la renommée des arts d'Edmundston le 28 octobre, 2007. Il est un véritable pionnier pour l'avancement des arts au Nouveau-Brunswick. Artiste multidisciplinaire, la sculpture, la peinture, la gravure et le dessin font partie de son quotidien. Ses œuvres ont été reconnues sur la scène internationale. Né à Edmundston, le 6 juillet 1930, Claude Roussel est l'aîné d'une famille de 15 enfants. Dès son jeune âge, il sait ce que veut dire l'expression «se serrer les coudes». Il quitte la demeure familiale, en 1950, pour fréquenter l'École des Beaux-Arts de Montréal. Il poursuit ses études jusqu'en 1956. Il réalise très tôt dans sa carrière l'importance de la culture en général pour la société. Il constate qu'il y a une lacune évidente pour les francophones au Nouveau-Brunswick.

Après ses études, il revient dans son patelin pour y enseigner l'art dans six écoles publiques d'Edmundston. Il demande à ses élèves de toujours stimuler au maximum leur imagination et leur créativité. De 1959 à 1963, Claude Roussel a été conservateur adjoint à la Galerie d'art Lord Beaverbrook de  Fredericton. Cette expérience lui a permis de rencontrer et convaincre l'un des fondateurs de l'Université de Moncton et premier recteur, le père Clément Cormier, de l'embaucher comme artiste résident. Dans cette fonction, il a mis sur pied des cours d'art et des ateliers à l'Université de Moncton en plus de fonder la Galerie d’art en 1965. Le programme d’art offert à Moncton a été introduit au Collège de Bathurst, en 1967, et à l'Université Saint-Louis-Maillet, en 1967.

Claude Roussel a enseigné durant 33 ans à l'Université de Moncton. Il a ouvert la voie et tracé le chemin pour plusieurs artistes au Nord-Ouest et au Nouveau-Brunswick. Dans sa carrière, il a notamment réaliser un nombre imposant de monuments au Nouveau-Brunswick, au Canada et à Séoul. Son dernier projet majeur a été la réalisation de deux grandes murales en mosaïque à la Cathédrale l’Assomption de Moncton. Sa carrière s'étend sur plus de six décennies de production de différents styles tout en utilisant divers matériaux. Il a participé à plus de 150 expositions dont la plupart étaient des collectifs.

Audrey Côté Saint-Onge

audreyst-ongeAudrey Côté Saint-Onge has been working the field of the arts for over six decades in the Edmundston region. She serves a cause, that of culture. Her career was quickly directed towards community cultural development, whether regionally, provincially and nationally.

Great educator, intellectual anchored in the artistic action, her deep knowledge, her rich and various experiences all make her a respected and admired citizen.

Born in Rivière-Verte, on June 5th, 1922, Audrey Côté Saint-Onge has had a 46-year long career in the education field, as principal, administrator and teacher. She knows how to create cultural events and to praise people in their actions. On top of having supported many organizations, she is the instigator of many cultural events in the Madawaska region, on an education level and at large.

She is a model for all generations who recognize her commitment, her tireless work, her will to succeed, define and acknowledge community culture as well as regional and provincial artists.

Audrey Côté Saint-Onge is the founder of the Association culturelle du Haut-Saint-Jean, with which she has been involved since its creation in 1975. She has always worked for the quality of teaching, the French language, the arts, and the recognition of artists. She has sat on the board of directors of many cultural organizations in the province and in our country namely the Fédération culturelle des Canadiens français and the Conseil provincial des Sociétés culturelles. She also co-chaired the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Arts from which the report led to the creation of the New Brunswick Arts Board (NBAB).

Claude T. Picard

claude-picardL’artiste peintre Claude Picard fut intronisé au Temple de la renommée des arts d'Edmundston le 5 novembre, 2006. Il est reconnu mondialement pour ses six tableaux sur la déportation des Acadiens (Église-souvenir commémorative du Lieu historique national de Grand-Pré, N.-É.). Né à Edmundston, N.-B., le 11 février 1932, il était le benjamin des 10 enfants de la famille Vital Picard, employé au CN, et de Bridget Toomey. Il obtient en 1946, alors qu’il a 14 ans, son premier prix national pour son aquarelle Robin des Bois. Après ses études classiques au Collège Saint-Louis de sa ville natale, il séjourne à Rome et à Florence pendant trois ans et étudie avec les maîtres Mazzoli, Stultus et Beddini. Il a été deux fois boursier du Conseil des arts du Canada et récipiendaire de nombreux prix, entre autres, celui de la Société des graphistes du Canada et le prestigieux prix Miller Brittain du Conseil des arts du Nouveau-Brunswick.

L’artiste peintre est connu au niveau international pour ses quatre tableaux historiques sur l’arrivée et l’installation des Acadiens à Belle-Île-en-Mer en 1765 (Citadelle Vauban, Belle-Île-en-Mer, France), pour sa gigantesque murale sur la vie au Madawaska de 1785 à 1985 (Hôtel de ville d’Edmundston) et pour son merveilleux tableau commémorant les fondateurs des Caisses populaires acadiennes au Nouveau-Brunswick (Caraquet). Il faut mentionner son tableau de 21 personnages sur la vie de Notre-Seigneur, intitulé Jésus au milieu des enfants (église Saint-Jacques) et aussi son tableau sur le bicentenaire de la paroisse de Saint-Basile, intitulé Se garder jeune (Club d’âge d’or, Saint-Basile, N.-B.). Claude Picard a reçu un doctorat honorifique en arts visuels (honoris causa) de l’Université de Moncton en 1996. En 2005, un pli Premier Jour officiel, quand Poste-Canada reproduit son tableau Le départ vers l’exile 1755.

Vaste expérience en art du portrait (Hon. Gilbert Finn, Hon. Marilyn Trenholme Counsell, etc.) et paysagiste (à l’huile, au fusain et en acrylique dans plusieurs collections privées), Claude Picard a aussi illustré plusieurs publications.